Fundamentals of Yoga Education -BYTTC-101 Theory Exam 05-09-2021

Welcome to your Fundamentals of Yoga Education -BYTTC-101 Theory Exam 05-09-2021

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  1. Yama and Niyama together are known as 
  1. How many Nayanmars are there?
  1. What is a Bandha?
  1. What is Prana?
  1. Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana, Vyana

  1. Which is the most important Kumbhaka according to Hatha Pradipika
  1. How Many names of the sun
  1. What is the meaning of parshvakonasana
  1. A Male Practitioner of Yoga
  1. what are the three Gunas ?
  1. The word Hatha is derived from Ha + tha which means ___________ and ___________
  1. Karma yoga is the path of ____________
  1. Manipura Chakra has how many Petals?
  1. What is the element related to Manipura Chakra
  1. Which Mudra helps in low chest breathing?
  1. How many Sutras are there in the Yoga Sutras?
  1. ______________ is the last step of Ashtanga Yoga.
  1. What do you mean by chakras?
  1. How many Famous Siddhars were there?
  1. What is the Tittibasana?

21.Where is Kundalini sakthi initially stored in our body?

  1. Om Hrum Suryaya Namaha  with their Meaning?
  1. How many chapters are there in Bhagavad Gita?
  1. Bihar school of Yoga is developed by _____________
  1. What is the meaning of Kaivalya?