05-09-2021 The Yogic Diet-BYTTC 104

Welcome to your 05-09-2021 The Yogic Diet-BYTTC 104

1..As you study the science of Foods and Nutrition,
.2.Food, nutrition and health are intimately connected aspects of our life.
4.The WHO (World Health Organization)
3.Nutrition has been defined as food at work in the body.
5.Physiological functions of food. The first function of the body is to provide energy
6. Food & Agriculture Organisation
7.   25 g. Whole legumes, nuts 0.9 to 2.5 g.
8.The RNA means
9 The mitochondria and lysosomes are also present in the cytoplasm.
10.Salt formation: When an acid and a base react, salt is one of the products formed.
HCl + KOH → KCl + H2O
acid + base → salt + water
11. trypsinogen
12. enterokinase,
13. chymotrypsin
14. 500 to 1,000 ml of water in the chyme enters the colon each day.
15.  TCA means
16.   (ICMR) means
17.  During the Second World War (1939–45),
18. Nutrient balance:
19. Reference Woman Age 20–39 years and weight 50 kg
20. Reference man Age 20–39 years and weight 50 kg
21. 1 microgramme (mcg) = one millionth of a gramme.)
22.In normal persons, the blood sugar level is maintained at a constant level, which is 70 to 100 mg
per 100 ml, under fasting conditions.
23.   .50 g. Guava, red gram tender 2.6 to 3.1 g.
25.  50 g. French beans, ghosala, figs, 0.9 to 1.5 g.
grapes, sapota, seetaphal
26.50 g. Leafy vegetables 0.5 to 0.6 g.
27. 50 g. Leafy vegetables 0.5 to 0.6 g.
28.      50 g. Other vegetables 0.3 to 0.5 g
24.      monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA)
29.      (IDD) means
30.    Yogi Bhajan encouraged his students to embrace a healthy, yogic lifestyle. The yogic diet he promoted includes whole, simple, fresh, nutritious food.
31.    Yogi Tea is health promoting, delicious and soothing and a great coffee substitute.
33. 50 g. Leafy vegetables 0.5 to 0.6 g.
32. 50 g. Leafy vegetables 0.5 to 0.6 g.
34. The three roots—garlic, onion, and ginger—will maintain you through the times and through the age.”
35 .Vata -
36 .Sattvic:Food
37 .Stimulating herbs and spices, many earth foods.
38 .
 Universal healing food.
39.Sattvic: Clarity and lightness
 Graceful, peaceful, disciplined,
40.Sattvic: Clarity and lightness
 Graceful, peaceful, disciplined,