05-09-2021 Methods of Yogic Practices &Shat Kriyas BYTTC-103 Nadesh RajendiranSeptember 4, 2021September 5, 2021 Welcome to your 05-09-2021 Methods of Yogic Practices &Shat Kriyas BYTTC-103 Name Email Phone District Exam No 1. The yogic diet he promoted includes whole, simple, fresh, nutritious food.? Meat Fish Egg Fresh, Nutritious food 2. The Yogic Diet? Salt, Rajasic, and Tamasic Foods Most fruit and vegetables, sun foods, and ground food Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tomato Foods Sattvic, Rava and Tamasic Foods 3.Sattvic:? Stimulating herbs and spices, many earth foods. Most fruit and vegetables, sun foods, and ground foods Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, alcohol, intoxicating drugs many earth foods 4. Rajasic - Meat, fish, Stimulating herbs and spices, many earth foods alcohol, intoxicating drugs ground foods. 5.Tamasic: - Most fruit and vegetables, Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, Stimulating herbs many earth foods 6.Vata Means Air bile phlegm garlic 7.Pitta bile phlegm maintains sexual potency lends mental balance 8.Kapha nourishes and lubricates the body responsible for digestion , heat, the digestive fire sustains the body and originates every kind of physical movement in the body 10. Yogi Tea .................... Black pepper Black coffee Black tea All above 9. Yogic Foods for Health & Healing The three roots :garlic,onion, and ginger The three roots :Meat, Fish, Egg Bragg Liquid Amines soy sauce instead of salt 11.Ahimsa eating meat, eating fish eating grains eating meat, fish 12.what is the correct yogic diet? sattvic foods Rajasic:foods Tamasic:foods Indian foods 13. . The Yogic diet believes in the concept of ..................? Kuhoo Varuni kalasaka, Mitahara 14. What Should Be Diet Of A Person Who Wants To Lose Weight? Low in carbohydrate: To lose weight quickly, you can have a small portion vegetables and one piece of fruit per day and consume around 20-50 grams of carbohydrate Teenager’s metabolism is higher than an adult; it is advisable to give them a small meal at regular interval rather than large meals at longer duration. It is useless to give a vitamin supplement unless the teenager is on a low-calorie diet. It is always preferable to take vitamin organically from fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. It will help them to keep their energy level high all day and prevent them overeating at meals. 16.What Is The Formula To Calculate Bmr for men (basal Metabolic Rate)? 8.56 x weight] + [2.85 x height] – [4.68 x age] + 655 13.75 x weight] + [5 x height] – [6.76 x age] + 66 9.56 x weight] + [1.85 x height] – [4.68 x age] + 655 7.56 x weight] + [3.85 x height] – [4.68 x age] + 655 15 what should Be A Daily Diet For A Patient With Type 1 Diabetes?? Variety of food containing unsaturated fats such as nuts, avocados and oily fish High fibre food Eat more fruits and vegetables Reduce or avoid intake of salt, sugar and alcohol 17.What Is The Formula To Calculate Bmr for women (basal Metabolic Rate)? 9.56 x weight] + [1.85 x height] – [4.68 x age] + 855 9.56 x weight] + [1.85 x height] – [4.68 x age] + 755 9.56 x weight] + [1.85 x height] – [4.68 x age] + 655 9.56 x weight] + [1.85 x height] – [4.68 x age] + 555 18. What Is The Best Vegetable To Eat All fresh vegetables are best for your diet; All fresh fish are best for your diet; All fresh meat are best for your diet; All fresh vegetables, fish, meat are best for your diet; 19. Among the given nutrients milk is a poor source of Vitamin C Calcium Protein Carbohydrate 20.Washing of peeled vegetables removes the vitamin? C D B A 21.Milk, cheese and eggs are the sources of Vitamin C and A Vitamin A and B Vitamin C and D Vitamin A and D 22.Which of the following cannot be a part of a vegan diet? eggs vegetables Fish Meat 23. Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin and hence is required to be taken everyday? Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin B Vitamin A 24.Pulses are a good source of - Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins 25.Which of the following food items is rich in iron ? Pulses Orange Rice Apple 26.EEG- Alpha Waves Increase ? Yes No 27.Galvanic Skin Response ( GSR)? Yes No 28.The Asana mainly helps to increase the children's height is ________________ ? Sethubandasana Tadasana Sashankasana Pawanamukthasana 29.The king of yogic practices is ______________ Bandhas Sun Salutation Kriyas Mudras 30.The main sources of Yoga are ______________ Hatha Yoga Pradipika Vedas Upanishads Ramayana 31.The book “Yoga Sutras” was written by ______________ Gorakhnath Patanjali Swatmarama Matsyendranath 32.. In the yogic scriptures, it is said that there were originally ______________ asanas 45,00,000 84,00,000 84,00,00,000 45,00,00,000 32.. In the yogic scriptures, it is said that there were originally ______________ asanas 45,00,000 84,00,000 84,00,00,000 45,00,00,000 33.The well-known relaxative asana is ______________ * Sirshasana Hamsasana Dhanurasana Shavasana 34.Padmasana is known as the pose of ______________ Wheel Locust Palm tree Lotus 35.Abdominal breathing is known as the breathing of ______________ heart diaphragm liver spleen 36.. Bhramari is a type of ______________ Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha 37.Vipareetha karani also is a ______________ Bandha Mudra Pranayama Kriya 38.Karma means ______________ Knowledge Health Devotion Action 39.Trataka is the practice for ______________ Stomach Eyes Nose Mouth 40.Bandhas are incorporated with the practices of ______________ Basti Pranayama Trataka Neti 41.The Theme of 6th International day of Yoga is _________________ Connect the youth Yoga and Health Yoga @ home and Yoga with family Climate Change 42.Which asana is called as Thunderbolt pose Vakrasana Veerasana Vajrasana Vamanasana 43.Author of Light on Yoga Pattabi Jois Krishnamacharya Swatmarama B.K.S.Iyengar 44.In Yoga Chikitsa means Thai Massage Yoga Therapy psychotherapy Ayurveda 45.Sharira Prajna means Physiological Awareness Sensory Awareness psychological Awareness anatomical Awareness 46.Prana Prajna means Physiological Awareness Sensory Awareness psychological Awareness anatomical Awareness 47. Indriya Prajna means Physiological Awareness psychological Awareness anatomical Awareness Sensory Awareness 48. Mano Prajna means Physiological Awareness Sensory Awareness psychological Awareness anatomical Awareness 49. Vijnana Prajna means Discriminative Awareness Sensory Awareness psychological Awareness anatomical Awareness 50. Chitta Prajna means Discriminative Awareness Awareness of Consciousness psychological Awareness anatomical Awareness 51. Sama Virtues control of the Mind Yes No 52. Dama Virtues control of the Senses Yes No 53. Uparti Virtues Endurance Yes No 54. Titiksha Virtues selflessness Yes No 55. Shradha Virtues Faith Yes No 56. Samadhana Virtues Surrender to the divine will Yes No 57. How can we control the Chittavrittis? by Abyasa and Vairagya Yes No 58. What are the Ashta Siddhis? Eight limbs Yes No 59.Anima-power to become as small as the Atom Yes No 60.Lagima-power of Exteme Lightness Yes No 60.Lagima-power of Exteme Lightness Yes No 61.Prapti-power to Obtain Anything Yes No 62.Prakmaniyam- power of irresistible will Yes No 63.Mahima- power of not increase size at will Yes No 64.Isitva- power of not Superiority Yes No 65.Vasitva - power to subjugate Yes No 66.Kamavasayita- power to control all desire Yes No 67.Pramana- Right Knowledge ( Conception) Yes No 68.Vikalpa- Imagination Yes No 69.Nidra- Work Yes No 71. Grahasta- Birth to 27 years of Age Yes No 70. Brahmacharya- 27 to 54 years of age Yes No 72. Vanaprastha - Beyond 81 years of age Yes No 73. Sanyasa - Beyond 81 years of age Yes No 74. Samprajnata or Sabija (Lower)- Samadhi of Wisdom Yes No 75.Anandamaya KOSHA- AKASH -RADIATIONS Yes No Time is Up! ← Yogic Psychology and Yogic Therapies BYTTC-102 05-09-2021 05-09-2021 The Yogic Diet-BYTTC 104 →